The official website of Water News of Texas – Created and founded by The Texas Network in 2009, Water News of Texas (WATRnews) is now part of The Save Water Texas Coalition.
Water News of Texas
Water topics and conservation articles for Texas.
How Grasses Grow – A new website by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Website features information on vegetative reproduction of perennial grasses, a brief description of West-Central Texas dominant grass bud banks, fire effects on representative warm and cool season grasses, and published journal articles on bud banks.
Groundbreaking of the Luce Bayou Interbasin Transfer Project
The Luce Bayou Interbasin Transfer Project (LBITP) is a $381 Million dollar water supply project, including a pump station located on the banks of the Trinity River, 3
Interviews with John Sutton & Scott Galaway TWDB
We caught up with Texas Water Development Board's John Sutton and Scott Galaway at the January NHCRWA's MUD Directors Workshop
Championship Golf Course Raises the Bar for Efficient Irrigation Practices
And why wouldn't golf course managers respect this most precious of all natural resources? After all, it’s the life blood of an almost $80 billion a year industry
LSGCD Adds New Weather Monitoring Equipment
The new weather station will be equipped to monitor, record and transmit temperature, the amount of moisture in the air, solar radiation and wind speed on a continuous basis. The Texas A&M team will routinely collect and evaluate the data, using formulas specially created for this application. At the beginning of each week
Water Conservation Top Priority for North Fort Bend Water Authority
The Committee recommended that the Authority offer evaluations of residential irrigation systems. The Board agreed and approved an agreement with the W.I.S.E. Guys to conduct evaluations of residential irrigation systems for customers of participating MUDs within the Authority’s boundaries