Save water and money, stop leaky faucets and toilets
Pay attention to your indoor water usage. That means check routinely for leaks...leaking faucets, leaking toilets, leaking appliances. Watch your water bill...suspect a leak if you have any sudden increase in usage without changing your usual patterns.
Don’t make me come over there…STOP WASTING WATER!
A single dripping faucet can waste more water in one day than a family member would need for drinking in a whole week!
Are you overwatering your yard?
During the summer months, more than 50 percent of our drinking water is used on landscapes and yards. Far too many people think they have to water every day or every other day to have a lush lawn.
Overspray – WHAT A WASTE!
TCEQ rules governing irrigation in Texas do not allow spraying water over impervious surfaces such as walls, fences, sidewalks, and streets.
Recommended Outdoor Conservation Practices
Walk across the lawn, if you leave footprints, it’s time
Is Your Irrigation System Running?
Watering your grass is like running a marathon. You need to train the roots to grow or "run" deeper into the soil.
Turfgrass tips to make a lawn the envy of the neighborhood
Springtime is a good time to prepare lawns for a healthy summer as warm-season grasses come out of dormancy and begin to green up
North Plains water district, AgriLife Extension promote cotton education
“Cotton & Conservation” a new series being developed by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and North Plains Groundwater Conservation District.
How Grasses Grow – A new website by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Website features information on vegetative reproduction of perennial grasses, a brief description of West-Central Texas dominant grass bud banks, fire effects on representative warm and cool season grasses, and published journal articles on bud banks.