Save Water Texas Coalition

Save Water Texas Coalition

The Save Water Texas Coalition (SWTC) is made up of cities, water agencies, water professionals, community leaders, and educators across Texas who are dedicated to raising public awareness about the critical need for water conservation and water reuse measures in order to assure sustainability of our finite groundwater and surface water resources.

Creative Campaigns

Promoting public understanding and discourse through creative content

Advertising & Marketing

Communicating water issues through brochures, billing inserts, radio, television, video and more.

Educational Programs

Identifying the tools for public outreach programs for teachers and classroom materials for students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 7

Water news of Texas

Water News of Texas

Water topics and conservation articles for Texas.

Save water and money, stop leaky faucets and toilets

Pay attention to your indoor water usage. That means check routinely for leaks...leaking faucets, leaking toilets, leaking appliances. Watch your water bill...suspect a leak if you have any sudden increase in usage without changing your usual patterns.

Are you overwatering your yard?

During the summer months, more than 50 percent of our drinking water is used on landscapes and yards. Far too many people think they have to water every day or every other day to have a lush lawn.

Overspray – WHAT A WASTE!

TCEQ rules governing irrigation in Texas do not allow spraying water over impervious surfaces such as walls, fences, sidewalks, and streets.

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