About 75% of the water used inside our homes is used in the bathroom. Experts estimate that in an average household over 40 percent of the water gets flushed down toilets and the other 30 percent is used in showers and baths.

Take shorter showers – A five minute shower uses 25 gallons of water. One option is to turn the water on to get wet, turn it off while you lather up and wash your hair…then turn it back on to rinse off. This bathing method can save as much as a hundred gallons of water a week!

Take shorter showers – A five minute shower uses 25 gallons of water. One option is to turn the water on to get wet, turn it off while you lather up and wash your hair…then turn it back on to rinse off. This bathing method can save as much as a hundred gallons of water a week!

Turn the water OFF while brushing your teeth. Turn it back on to rinse your toothbrush and clean the sink. Only use the water you actually need and banish the rest.

Don’t use the toilet as a trash can, flush only when necessary. And, while we’re talking about toilets… NO WIPES IN THE PIPES! Do not flush anything but toilet paper which was designed to decompose.

Use your super strength for household chores. It takes a lot of water to wash dishes and to do laundry, if you help with these chores, use the right water level, and only run full loads.

Tell your parents if the toilet continues to run after flushing. Super hearing can sense a toilet RUNNING from the other room… that signals a leak! Find em and fix em.

Ask your parents to fix any leaking faucets. These leaks can waste thousands of gallons of water a year and that is just money down the drain.

A huge amount of water is used outside the home on lawns and landscaped areas. As you take flight around the lawn, make sure you only water the lawn when necessary. Providing a deep soaking less frequently will help build good roots for better drought resistance, and remember to only water the lawn, not the sidewalk or driveway.

A huge amount of water is used outside the home on lawns and landscaped areas. As you take flight around the lawn, make sure you only water the lawn when necessary. Providing a deep soaking less frequently will help build good roots for better drought resistance, and remember to only water the lawn, not the sidewalk or driveway.

Water is made up of two parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen… H2O.
Water is the most common substance on Earth, but 97% of it is salty and not safe to drink. 2% of the water on Earth is frozen in glaciers and ice caps, leaving only the remaining 1% for us to drink!
Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in all three forms – as a gas (steam), a liquid, and as a solid (ice).
The same water as is on our planet today was here when the dinosaurs drank it! It has been recycled millions of times!

Water is made up of two parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen… H2O.
Water is the most common substance on Earth, but 97% of it is salty and not safe to drink. 2% of the water on Earth is frozen in glaciers and ice caps, leaving only the remaining 1% for us to drink!
Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in all three forms – as a gas (steam), a liquid, and as a solid (ice).
The same water as is on our planet today was here when the dinosaurs drank it! It has been recycled millions of times!